Differentiated Learning

Empowering each unique journey

We believe in helping children reach their highest potential. Our small classroom sizes and low student-to-teacher ratio allow for more individualized instruction to meet children where they are and give them opportunities and support to be successful.

Children work in small groups with teachers and peers to tackle each concept area at their level. Students needing more challenge in a study unit can dive deeper, while children needing extra practice are given the time to do so.

For example, multi-grade reading groups allow students to engage with books of varying complexity and depth. Teachers read aloud during snacks and lunch so readers of varying levels can hear fluent, expressive reading, encouraging a love of stories. Children ready for an extra challenge or needing extra practice in a math concept participate in small group activities, exercises, or games to expand their learning.

Classroom groupings are flexible. A child needing extra support in one concept area can frequently take on a bigger challenge in the next. We recognize that each child has strengths and areas of growth, and we embrace each of them as individuals.

