
The Journey Begins

The University Cooperative School journey begins in Pre-Kindergarten with wonder and magic! We know how to have a wild rumpus in the field, discover what lives under rocks, paint swirls of color on paper, explore secrets in the creek, dance, sing, and create stories!

Literacy: Pre-K

Our Pre-K program is dedicated to cultivating a literacy-rich environment that instills a lifelong love of reading and language in our young learners. Children are immersed in a diverse array of stories, letters, and words from an early age, which spark their imagination and curiosity. Through engaging activities, interactive storytelling, and hands-on learning, our program helps children develop essential literacy skills and a deep appreciation for both the written and spoken word. 

As they progress, our Pre-K students begin to understand letters and sounds, sorting objects or pictures by their initial sounds, and even starting to write words using these sounds. This learning journey is primarily guided during choice time and small group activities, where children are encouraged to explore literacy at their own pace. Our dedicated teachers provide individualized support, ensuring that each child’s literacy skills develop in a nurturing and supportive environment.

Math: Pre-K

In our Pre-K program, students engage with mathematics through free play, small group activities, daily routines, and hands-on projects. Whether building with blocks, cooking together, or making and playing with playdough, students are not only having fun but also developing essential math skills. 

Each week, our “Best Guess Jar” adds an extra layer of excitement. Children are encouraged to estimate how many objects are in the jar, and we conclude the week by counting them together. This fun activity helps sharpen their estimation and counting skills in a collaborative and engaging way. 

Through these playful experiences, children naturally explore foundational math concepts, such as classification (grouping and sorting by attributes), magnitude (comparing object sizes), enumeration (counting, reading, and writing numerals), dynamics (assembling and disassembling objects), patterns and shapes, and spatial awareness. This approach allows math learning to flourish in a joyful and meaningful way for our youngest learners.

Science: Pre-K

Young children are born scientists, full of curiosity and wonder! In Pre-K, we embrace this natural enthusiasm through engaging, hands-on experiments that captivate their imaginations. Whether it’s discovering how adding one more block changes the height of a tower, observing the delicate blue wings of a butterfly, or asking, “Why are there bubbles in the creek?”—our playful investigations spark deep thinking. 

Children build critical skills like problem-solving, teamwork, and observation as they explore the world around them. Our science adventures are both exciting and educational. From raising butterflies to studying forest critters to experimenting with cooking, creating safe mini-explosions, and designing faster race cars, every activity is an opportunity for discovery. These experiences foster a lifelong love of learning while empowering children to develop the confidence and curiosity they need to explore, understand, and thrive in the world around them.

Nature and Adventure: Pre-K

In Pre-K, Seattle is more than just a city; it’s our vibrant classroom. We embark on exciting journeys across town using buses, light rail, and monorails to discover the rich experiences our city offers. From exploring parks, libraries, and museums to enjoying local plays and trying new foods, our students engage with the community and see how they fit into the larger world around them. 

Our adventures also lead us into the enchanting ravine in our park, where children explore trails, observe seasonal changes, and play in nature. This hands-on approach enhances their appreciation for the environment and instills a sense of respect and responsibility for our beautiful parks.

Spanish and Cultural/Social Studies: Pre-K

Our Pre-K program introduces students to Spanish through engaging songs, classroom routines, and stories. Our cultural studies include exciting activities such as learning songs, cooking and tasting foods from around the world, attending shows, and visiting local cultural landmarks. 

Social-Emotional Learning: Pre-K

Social-emotional learning is a cornerstone of our classroom experience in Pre-K. We focus on helping children build essential skills for making friends, managing their emotions, advocating for themselves, and contributing as valuable community members. 

We support children in recognizing their feelings, handling emotions in a healthy way, and forming meaningful friendships. By encouraging children to take initiative and do things for themselves, we help build their confidence and independence. This emphasis on social-emotional growth enables children to engage deeply in play, fostering strong connections and resilience. 

Additionally, we benefit from the support of a Parent Educator who visits our class weekly. We also offer a monthly Parent Education meeting to support our Pre-K learners and their families.

