Social Studies

University Cooperative School students learn to become changemakers and global citizens. We explore culture, history, fairness, and justice and examine our roles and responsibilities in our community. We study geography, government, and economics. We examine different points of view and learn how to share our perspectives, listen to the views of others, and disagree respectfully. Some examples of thematic study units include:

  • Service Learning projects to help our community

  • Heritage Month projects

  • Guest speakers and assemblies

  • Learning about migration by interviewing family members or friends and sharing their stories with classmates

  • Studying specific historical events

  • Cultural Arts Specials

As a cooperative school, families (and students!) are invited and encouraged to share their cultural traditions with our classes – and they frequently do! This provides students with the enriching opportunity to learn about culture from members of their community and make meaningful connections to the traditions they share.



